Leader in smart energy

What we do

Since 2014, smart-me has been digitalising the energy sector with innovative energy management solutions in the areas of self-consumption, multi-energy and electromobility. All of our hardware products communicate with an intelligent cloud environment at all times and can be comprehensively managed, billed and controlled there. We develop our products with an interdisciplinary team of specialists and with the highest quality standards at our headquarters in Rotkreuz. smart-me is an award-winning technology company with around 28 employees.

Pico auf Standfuss hoch
Energiemonitoring App

How we do it

smart-me acts as a technology supplier and delivers the complete system consisting of hardware and software to a rapidly growing and very well trained network of specialised partners.

Intensive dialogue is maintained with energy suppliers and electricians and feedback is incorporated into the development of future products. Our partners are at the heart of smart-me’s growth and it is through them that we are able to tackle the tasks ahead together with smart-me. Our partners are professionals, actively contribute to a more sustainable building sector and provide us with important market information. Through regular training courses and webinars, smart-me is constantly training new partners who will jump on the bandwagon and accompany smart-me on this journey.

The founders

smart-me was founded in 2014 by father and son team David and Arnold Eberli. David comes from the software sector and Noldy from the hardware sector, which together are the perfect prerequisites for the development of smart-me products.

David Eberli

David Eberli

Founder, CEO and Head of Software Development

Noldy Eberli

Noldy Eberli

Founder and Senior Hardware Developer

Our vision

The vision of the founding duo David and Noldy Eberli was and is: As technology leaders, we want to catapult the energy sector into the digital age. Nowadays, everyone consumes energy and can therefore contribute to a more sustainable approach. With our simple energy management solution, we want to establish new technologies on the market with the courage to make changes and act as the spearhead of the energy transition. Our products and our cloud-based platform increase the efficiency of energy systems. Our technology makes energy data available live, enabling the optimisation of energy flows and the decentralised use of sustainably produced energy.

Our Groups of companies

With eCarUp and smart-RED, smart-me is involved in subsidiaries for expansion in electromobility and the German market respectively. eCarUp offers a flexible yet uncomplicated platform for managing and billing e-charging stations in private, semi-public and public use cases. smart-RED represents our products on the German market, where there is a huge demand for smart metering infrastructure and smart charging stations as a result of the growing number of tenant electricity projects.



Since the beginning in 2014, smart-me has had one big goal: the digitalisation of the energy sector. In the following years, smart-me has delivered the energy management system for several thousand properties worldwide. And our journey is far from over.

smart-me GmbH

smart-me was born out of a dissatisfaction with standard energy solutions. With the founding of smart-me GmbH, David and Noldy Eberli are therefore pursuing one goal above all: the digitalisation of the energy sector.

Crowdfunding campaign

In order to finance the development of the first smart-me plug with WLAN connection, smart-me launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo in 

Launch single phase meter

The first product for commercial customers is launched with the single phase meter.

1-Phasen Meter smart-me AG
First employee

The first employee – in addition to the two founders – was recruited for the sales area.

Axpo Energy Award 2015

smart-me receives an innovation prize, the Axpo Energy Award 2015.

1-Phasen Meter smart-me AG
GmbH becomes AG

smart-me GmbH becomes a public limited company “smart-me AG”.


smart-me moves from Rickenbach (SZ) to Rotkreuz (ZG). Two more employees are recruited, therefore the total amount of the team increases to five people.

Launch Kamstrup module and smart-me billing

In cooperation with Kamstrup, a specific customer module has been developed and launched on the market. At the same time, smart-me billing was launched.

ISO quality certification

In order to meet the quality requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for all smart-me products and services, smart-me had itself audited and recertified by swiso for the first time in 2016 and annually since then. In this way, it guarantees a continuous quality standard.


smart-me beats twelve start-ups to win the DigitImmo 16 Award.

1-Phasen Meter smart-me AG
Founding of eCarUp AG

Together with Energie Thun AG, smart-me founds the subsidiary eCarUp AG. With the eCarUp backend, e-charging stations can be easily billed, monitored and maintained.

Launch 3-phase-meter

The 3-phase meter – the most successful, powerful and precise meter from all smart-me meters is launched.

3-Phasen Meter Telstar
Founding of smart-Red GmbH in Germany

smart-me founds, together with ABM-Gruppe from Dornstadt (GER), the subsidiary Smart-Red GmbH.

Move into new office space

Meanwhile, smart-me employs nine people. For this reason and due to the further planned growth, smart-me moves into larger office space in the same building.


smart-me receives the MID certification for the 3-phase meter and thus complies with the MID standard that is recognised throughout Europe.

SEF.High Potential KMU/xplor Startup Award

smart-me receives the SEF.High Potential SME label and the xplor Startup Award.

1-Phasen Meter smart-me AG
5 year anniversary and transformation into an a SME

With the steady growth and the five years of existence of smart-me, the company turns from a start-up to a young company and now employs twelve people.

Market launch 3-phase Telstar

The completely revised 3-phase counter is launched on the market.

Launch 3-phase meter Telstar CT

With the launch of the Telstar CT 3-phase meter, smart-me completes the solutions for all scenarios of intelligent energy management systems.

3-Phasen Meter Telstar CT - Messwandlerzähler
Growing office space

Due to the ongoing growth and more products, smart-me is in need of more space for production. With more than 20 employees the production and office are divided between two commercial spaces in the same building.

Launch E-charging station Pico

With Pico, smart-me is launching an innovative e-charging station.

Pico e-charging station display
Diploma at the Watt d'Or 2022

smart-me receives a diploma at the Watt d’Or for its collaboration on the “NeuRaum” development.

Watt d'Or 2022
Moving to Riedstrasse 18

The company needs again more space for production. The new location also offers more space for the new employees. After a short time apart, the production and office are back together in the new building.

MID - Certification for Pico

The smart-me e-charging station Pico receives MID certification and can therefore be used for billing purposes.

... to be continued

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